New self help book on living with Psychosis

‘Living with psychosis: Recovery and Wellbeing’ by Elina Baker and Melanie Attwater brings together a range of ideas about ways of understanding and coping with unusual experiences and beliefs with an account of the personal experience of recovery. The book originated in a series of education and support groups for people with psychosis, which were coproduced by a psychologist and people with lived experience and it summarises the material discussed in the groups. There are twelve chapters, covering topics such as coping with voices, using mindfulness, anti-psychotic medication, being prepared for setbacks and living well. Each chapter has a summary of relevant knowledge from theory, research and expertise by experience, a related personal narrative and a section for reflection, which prompts the reader to think about how to use the ideas and experiences in their own recovery. The book is intended to help people struggling with psychosis to feel hopeful and develop ways of understanding and coping with their experience which will enable them to move forward in their lives. The book could also be used by someone supporting the recovery of a person experiencing psychosis, to aid their own understanding or give them ideas to try with the person.  The book is available to buy as a paperback on Amazon and as an ebook on the Chipmunka website:

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