Hearing Voices, Recovery and Alternative Approaches

Below are books, self help guides and papers that I have found helpful in supporting people to deal with emotional distress and confusing mind states and recover a valued life…

Hearing Voices

Accepting Voices (1993) by Marius Romme and Sandra Escher, published by Mind. This is a pioneering book about different ways to understand and deal with voice hearing

Recovery An Alien Concept (2006) by Ron Coleman published by P&P press.
Personal story of hearing voices and recovery. Inspiring stuff!

Talking with Voices  by Dirk Coerstens, Rufus May and Eleanor Longden: Guide to using the voice dialogue technique shown in the film ‘The doctor who hears voices’.

‘Coping With Voices and Visions’ available from The Hearing Voices Network
written by people who have these experiences outlining different ways to cope with voices. £5.00.

Making Sense of Voices Marius Romme and Sandra Escher (2000) Mind Publications
Comprehensive Text book for professionals and voice hearers.

The Maastrict Interview a helpful questionnaire that helps to make sense of voice hearing and icomplements the book Making Sense of Voices.

‘Hearing Voices: Working out a positive approach’ by Sharon File, Mind Publications.
The Intervoice web-site gives good information about hearing voices research and self help initiatives.

The Voice Inside: a practical guide to coping with voices by Paul Baker. Good self help guide

Recovering From Voices by Changing Your Relationship With Them By Prof Marius Romme. This paper is based on his anthology he is puttting together with Jacqui Dillon of 50 recovery stories.

Alternative and Recovery focussed approaches to mental health

There is a good downloadable report by the British Psychological Society (2000) called Recent Advances in Understanding Mental Illness and Psychotic Experiences This details psychological research in an accessible manner.

Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry (2007) Edited by Peter Lehmann published by Peter Lehmann publishing. Reflects current approaches to self-help and non-psychiatric alternatives in cases of acute emotional problems.

Postpsychiatry: mental health in a postmodern world by Phil Thomas and Pat Bracken. Both Phil and Pat are former colleagues of mine in Bradford, they were the first psychiatrists I met willing to think outside the box and put it into practice. This text book outlines their vision.

Evolving Minds is an informative film on dvd that looks at helpful tips for people looking for different ways to deal with psychosis (hearing voices and altered states of mind). It covers diverse topics such as shamanism, nutrition, psychotherapy and  meditation.

THRIVE Self help work book for getting through crises and on to ‘vivacity and emancipation’.

Recovery and the Conspiracy of Hope Inspiring talk given by American Pat Deegan who, like me was given a diagnosis of ‘schizophrenia’ and on her recovery journey trained as a clinical psychologist (she did this 10 years before me though).  Coincidentally, when I gave my first ever talk about my recovery journey and work Pat was siitting in the audience.

Emotional Health by Bob Johnson: Looks at ways to recover emotional health see also his organisation The James Naylor Foundation and other book Unsafe at Any Dose.

Non Violent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg.  This book outlines a very useful approach to expressing our feeling and needs non-violently. Good for conflict resolution.

Embracing Our Selves: The Voice Dialogue Manual Fascinating psychological approach that suggests we all have many sub-personalities and we need to learn to know them and dialogue with them – good philosophy for approaching the hearing voices experience too.

Embracing Your Inner Critic: turning self criticism into a creative assett.  By Hal Stone & Sidra Stone. Excellent approach to dealing with critical thoughts also very helpful for dealing with critical voices.

Madness Explained By Richard Bentall and Schizophrenia: a scientitific delusion are good well researched books that highlight the problems with schizophrenia concept and outline research findings in a more balanced way than traditional text books.

Mindfulness Literature

Mindfulness is originally an Eastern practice to help us be more in the present and less ruled by our thoughts.

I reccommend all books by Peace Activist and Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.  2 books I have found very helpful for myself and others are Anger: Buddhist wisdom for cooling the flames and Peace is every step.  What I like about Thich Nhat Hanh is how he wants to promote peace in the wider world as well as in the individual.

Books by Jon Kabat Zinn are also helpful introductions to mindfulness practices and he has also done supportive research.

Leave Your Mind Behind: The everyday practice of finding stillness amidst rushing thoughts. By Matthew McKay and Catharine Sutker. Good accesible and practical guide to using mindfulness techniques and attitudes in order to gain greater peace of mind.



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